<a href="http://fa-matz.de/DS"><center><img src="http://www.lancersreactor.com/images/news/s219.jpg" border="0"> </center> </a>
After a long time we released the new Freelancer DataStorm Version 3.20.
The version 3.20 of Freelancer DataStorm with Error-Logging, and a new Full-Installer which checks for missing Files on your System and downloads the files that are needed automatically.
So the file is still quiet small at just 2MB no need to have a previous version installed and it can read all modified-data in the correct order and works fine with Mods like TNG up to v1.7 (Shows ALL Ships).
If you haven't tried DataStorm yet and you want to get information from your game including modified games, DataStorm will provide it. Version 3.20 of DataStorm has better MOD-Support.
Works together with The Mod Manager from IGx89 versions 1.21 up to v1.21 beta 9. The Freelancer DataStorm.mdb has been moved to -->
My Documents/My Games/FreeLancer/Accts/Singleplayer/DataStorm.fl
That way the MOD-Manager saves the mapdata for DataStorm together with savegames for Mods and DataStorm creates a new map if a new mod is activated. (Freelancer DataStorm should be CLOSED if you activate/deactivate a mod).