Freeport 9….
Looking across the bar a strange figure sat staring into an empty glass,
“Chemo???” the man looked side ways at the strange voice,
“mite be depends on who is asking!”
“If it’s the god dam GTF again I’m gonna!!” as he stands up clenching his fists.
“Hold on there!!! Old buddy remember last time we had a punch up”
“Jak? Is that you?”
“ Your dam right long time no see old friend where u been”
“Oh it’s a long story mate, lets just say I’ve been flying around looking for a new home”
“New home? What happened to the GTF?”
“Well they don’t fly these parts anymore so found myself an outcast”
“That’s some bad s**t man, well you know u always got a home here”
“Cheers man”
“No prob’s mate will I’ve got to go and do a patrol route, where u staying I’ll call by when I get back?”
“Well I’m staying at a little motel round the corner room 101 until I get my own place.”
“Cool I’ll pop round with a bottle of Jack D when I get back”
The bright rays of the sun reflect off the cockpit window of the Eagle, WolfPack Jak painted on the side and a load out that strikes fear into the hearts of onlooker’s.
“Jak signing in for patrol duty”
“Roger, Jak safe flying radar reports Snake action today, bring that bird home in one piece”
“Roger that Jak out”
1 Hour later…
“Cruise engines 100%, Radar clear, starting return journey home over”
“ Roger that Jak report to Devil on docking”
BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ as the cockpit lights up filling Jak's helmet with a red glow.
“Base come in, Base!!!!”
“Send message Jak”
“I'm getting some funny readings here, 1,2,3,5,6,8,12 s**t base I have 14 snakes coming in fast requesting help at co-ordinates, 76.5-6.65”
“Help is on its way Jak, ETA 5 mins”
“5 mins!! Your having a laugh I’ll be dead by then”
“Sorry Jak but that’s how going its going to take”
“Man why this s**t gotta happen to me!! Base best sending a nanny ship instead I’m going in.”
The purple glow of nomad cannons blazed, from the hardpoints of the Eagle. At every “missiles locked” sound Jak’s finger slammed on the fire button. Like a kamikaze pilot Jak went in with no thoughts of coming out at the other end. The 1st 2 missiles hit and destroyed 2 of the Snakes Sabres.
“Come On!!” shouted Jak “that best you got?” as a Skyblaster laser clips the left wing, which sends Jak side ways banging into the side of another Sabre sending it off head on into another Snake pilot. With a huge explosion, burnt parts of space ship bounce off Jak’s cockpit “that was close and lucky “
BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ of the radar.
“Base I’ve got more incoming how long till the help arrives? Wait there is only one more”
“ Someone need some help??”
“But how…”
“Shut up and fight we will talk later”
Chemo’s ship took the snakes attention away from Jak, which allowed him to pick 3 more off with cannonball missiles. Chemo formed up with Jak’s and bursted away to a safe distance then turned for a final attack run.
“Ready??” said Jak
“As always. GO”
They set off guns blazing a missiles firing, as sea of debris and flames exploded in front of them as the pair flew through the fire ball, the rev thrust turned to pick off any remaining fighters to see all that was left was floating escape pods and bits of charred ship.
“Let me get the pods for questioning and then its home time”
“Ok Jak”
“Jak! Jak! Come in Jak you there?” Buzzes through, the radio.
“I’m here Dev area clear”
“But how?”
“I had a little help from a friend”
“Yes, dam glad of it too”
“Return to base the pair of you I will see you there”
“Come on Chem. home time”
“Roger that”
Back at Freeport 9…
“Right Jak!! Don’t you ever go into battle when u know u can win that’s an expensive ship, if it wasn’t for Chemo we wouldn’t have you here, let that be a…”
“How did you know where I was Chemo” whispers Jak
“ After you left 2 blokes followed you out saying now is the time. I but 2 and 2 together and came to find you”
“ Man I owe you!”
“No you don’t its what friends do”
“Right Chemo” shouts Dev “ here is a WolfPack uniform and we wont take No for an answer!!!”
“Err.. I will join on one condition, that in Jak’s wingman”
“Well I don’t have a choice do I. Welcome to the 101st WolfPack”
“I’ll show you to your new home Chem come on”
The hanger door slowly closes behind Jak and Chemo who walk away laughing and pushing each other like kids.
Dev turns to Hell “You watch them two the will be unstoppable you mark my words”
<b>The whole story you can read in the Story Forum</b>
<a href="http://101st.info/forums/wp/viewtopic.php?t=1001">click here </a>