And so it begins............
And distant wailing filled the ships hull...followed by a glowing red light ....
A group of dark shadows slowly & wearily walked through the airlock.... barely pausing long enough to take off their helmets ...taking deep breaths as they did so .....as if relishing the cold crisp air that filled the ship ....
One by one they placed their helmets on their locker doors.... some of their names you could read some you could not only a few letters visible
Fullguns....Leviathan....CaptAmerica....Annihilator....Angel..Viper...Devil...Darkwind...NudieToph.. the names went on .....Orion...Menace...Spawn........other pilots simply took of their helmets and walked slowly into the dorm ...... just falling onto their bunks ......just content to be home ......Home .....?... well you could call it that I guess ......... A large capitol ship all alone in the night ....only the distant glow of the stars to keep it company ....
Some of the cadets who where back from training ....where walking around the dorm as if restless .....Hungry for action.... One with the nickname HOon walked gingerly up to one of the tired pilots resting in their bunk and asked "what was it like ...?...." Viper slowly opened his eyes & slowly sat up ....beckoned the cadet closer .......whispered ...." You don't want to know ......when you are ready you will find out ..." He slowly sank back into his bunk ...as if trying to savour the short rest he has ...
HOon sat down on his bunk perplexed by the other pilots words ........ He then walked over to another dozing pilot & prodded them @ the same time asking them what happened.....then next thing he knew he was being held up against the wall by his balls....gasping for breath ....all he could see was the fiery glow of Angels eyes glaring back @ him ...... She quietly muttered ...." Do you really want to end up like the others .... as pointed with her other hand to a hall of fame board .....hung above an old battered jukebox....... the names where like a roll call of those who gave their all to the WP .. and made the ultimate sacrifice... to be remembered always & forever..... Angel dropped the gasping cadet ....And slowly walked off to the showers.......
Not daring to upset anyone else....HOon clambered into his bunk .... but before he could the sirens walied again ..... as the rooom glowed red..it was a hive of activity with pilot after pilot clambering into their flight suits..... HOon sat down next to another cadet called Bonesnappr... they both watched as the other's filled out of the dorm running to the filght decks....as engineers prepped their ships...Shrouds Phoenix's ....Wolverines and more all roared to life and soared off the decks into the cold of space...the cadets wondered who would make it back from the cold reaches of the night .....against ....against well there was many to fight against ...only the choosen few would make it back
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