Greetings Guys we had a small talk with a few guys from Elite today and discussed about the Dock killing Problem. We tryed to make a few rules for the server like early in the irc council channel.
But thx the childish behave from the "stupid Kid" alis Tasiin we found again no solution. He only sayed "NOPE" to every suggestion, without making self one.
It's start to be more and more ridiculously maybe we should buy Tasiin a red nose and make him to the new Elite clown.
I laughing very well about him <img src="http://101st.info/Freelancer/gb/icon08.gif" border="0">
The whole copy from the chat you find in the intern Forum.
We better find fast a solution or this will happenes.
<hr>Christian 'Bargib' Koerner sagt:
If this is not going to stop right now, I will either get attaka to close the Elite server or disable PvP
Christian 'Bargib' Koerner sagt:
And it is close to cheating, since it is using an exploit to kill somebody who can't fight back...