Greetings all! :-O
My apologies for the lack of updates the last two-and-a-half weeks, the reason for that is a sudden and massive dissapearance of any shred of spare time I experienced during that period... Anyway, I'm back now, so let's see what is going on, shall we? 8-)
First off, the 101'st Wolfpack / 182nd Fleet merger. In the end, their members wanted to stick to their old clanname, so the decision was made to cancel the merger and become allies instea. Now, whenever either fleet set's up a taskforce or pvp group and is in need of more captains, members of the other clan are free to join at will.
Here's hoping our alliance will be a fruitfull one, that the combined strength of our fleets may bring us victory and glory!
For a link to their website, click here: http://182nd.sngproductions.com/.
Onwards to Star Trek Online itself, recently a very large update was rolled out, the "Season 1.2" patch. It includes a list of changes and updates too long for me to mention here (the thread on the STO forums takes 3 posts to list them all), but for the full list click here: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=160696.
This includes many changes and additions to the core game like accolades, veteran rewards, social and fleet updates and squad support as well as the long expected and by now quite infamous changes to the combat, bridge officer abilities, ship consoles and energy levels per ship type. This means a huge rebalancing of pvp combat, and WP members can expect a few new combat setups to be posted in the appropiate forums as soon as our tacticians have figured out a new set of efficient combinations and tactics.
Good day to all of you, see you in space!
Signing off for now,