101\'st Wolfpack is back on track! - Jan. 15, 2012, 9:17 p.m. [WP]Aesthir
101st WolfPack

Greetings fellow wolves and visitors!

It has been a while since our news section has been updated. This was due to a problem which has recently been fixed. And just in time as well, for these are exiting times:

On Tuesday the 17th of January, Star Trek Online will become Free to Play, and we are planning a big recruitment party. :-) Come too and check us out, and let's make the 101'st Wolfpack known and feared again to a new generation! 8-)

Our Mumble server is back online as well, and updates to our forums and website are underway. Even the 101'st Wolfpack steam group is growing! :-)

So come all! Join us and let's have some fun again together! Also: a happy, healthy and amazing 2012 to you all! :-O

See you in space!