Our very well friends and allys from LD have asked us for assistance on the -CENSORED- server against a team called "-CENSORED-"
I have agreed that we will give them every help and support they need and joint the server yesterday to check out the situation. This team is a German team so i talked a little bit with the guys. Looks like they are kewl dudes and i think we can fix LD's little problem without starting a war there.
But guess who is also there EG and OEG <img src="http://101st.info/Freelancer/gb/icon09.gif" border="0">
It looks like the hide now there after we kicked the shit out of them on Elite
btw. most EG's and OEG's were banned from elite (damn cheater clan).
All WP Pilots have free permision to kill them when ever you have the chance.
Phoenix, Aest, Stealth and HoOn contact me tomorrow i will help you to make a char on the server we 5 should be enought for negotiates. Remember in the moment we aren't there to fight but i want be ready when its necessary. <img src="http://101st.info/Freelancer/gb/icon08.gif" border="0">
<hr>Erragal, Anya please tell your guys to be nice until i have cleared our problem with the "-CENSORED-" the guys aren't such bad trust me :)
ps. all "CENSORED" infos you find in the Forum.