Greetings Guys
I had today a damn funny game in SL with EX WP_Skorpion.
We talked first in the main chat and like allways he had a big mouth and meant he would kick me now. That alone is nothing special he have this delusion of grandeur since a while.
I challanged him to a game to PROVE his strong words and we started a IP game.
At the beginning all was ok we fought i made a few kills and he got 2 and after a while it was 6 to 2 for me.
Than he got a Bug and had Specs and missels together i told it him and after a while it was fixed.
Until here all was ok he had only a Bug not his fault than the bullshit started.
Next time he died he crashed in a mine far away from me and respawned 40k away. I got a missle and killt him at the respawn point he had no chance to do anything. Score was now 8 to 2. After this he left the game without finishing it.
So i went back to the zone and asked him why he left the game before it is over. His answer was that i would cheat.
I thought first i don’t hear right but he called me cheater lol
....You really could see how angry he was that he had lost
„He meant that i had specs and missel and that it would be a cheat“
Let's analyse the situation:
Yes it is possible that people get that Bug he got it earlyer.
But to see if somebody have specs you must fire at last 1 time at him let's go back to 6-2
After that he was killt by a mine far away from me and next kill was a respawn kill with a missle. Both times he had no time to fire at me and after the 8 death he left the game immediately.
The Question i have is:
He sayed i had specs and missel but how he came to this resultat ???
He had no chance to check my shields... It is absolutly IMPOSSIBLE for him to know if i had specs or not without fireing at me.
Please Skorp EXPLAIN it us... You have to PROVE your words or is it possible that you talked bullshit again...
I copyed the whole chat with him and when its necessary i will post it in the news system, than EVERYBODY can see it and make his own decision.
You made a STUPID mistake Skorp you LIED again like you lied to us all with RA you betrayed your team you betrayed your friends. But this time i have a PROVE that you told Bullshit again. You burrow your own grave this time you need nobody to do it for you.
I have ignored your shit until now because of our old friendship but this time is OVER.
You wants me as enemy HEY OK NO PROBLEM but i will kick you ASS in every logic discusion like i made it in EVERY game we had.
Little tip from me don‘t drink such much alcohol and smoke less marihuana it’s not such well for your EGO and it won‘t fix your problems. And you definitive HAVE PROBLEMS talked with people who knows you privat they all sayed you have changed in the last time to a prick who live more in the I-net than in the real world.
Thats enought for the moment but WE AREN’T FINISHED until now Skorp it have just begun.
No druggie ASSHOLE with a reality problem calls me cheater.