101'st Wolfpack meeting planned! - May 17, 2014, 10:10 p.m. [WP]Aesthir
Star Citizen

Greetings fellow 101'st Wolfpack pilots,


With the DogFighting Module in the shape of Arena Commander expected to be released on thursday the 29th of May, it is time to plan and discuss some ideas and suggestions amongst us all.

Discussions will include our clan policy on exclusivity or multiple org membership, looking for volunteers for taking care of our Organization page on the RSI website (logistics officer), members (preferably multiple, for different regions/timezones) to take on the role of organizing meet-ups and events for the clan inside Arena Commander (Coordination officer? Other naming suggestions are welcome) and of course any issues, ideas and suggestions you all can come up with during the meeting.

As for the meeting day and time, we have for now settled on saturday the 24th of May, 22:00 CEST. Location will be our 101'st Wolfpack organization chat on the RSI website.
To more easily find out what that time is in your local timezone, use a website like this one: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ , add a location in the CEST timezone (for example: Amsterdam, Paris, etc.) and set the time and date to 22:00 on saturday the 24th of May. Then add your own city or one in your timezone and see what the time would be in your timezone.

Finally, we are also looking into a general meeting day and time to use in the future which is more friendly for our Australian and New Zealand members. Expect future meetings therefore to be on a different time, this one will continue at the set time though. If your have problems with this meeting time or cannot attend please let me or Crying_Devil know so we can take your opinions and suggestions on these subjects into consideration during the meeting as well.
We will of course provide a log of the meeting afterwards.


See you all during the meeting, and soon amongst the stars,


Join the 101'st Wolfpack today!