As promised, we are updating each day Arena Commander V.8 is delayed with a copy of the same bug list we track internally. Do not be too concerned that today’s list is longer than what appeared yesterday: it’s not unusual for additional bugs to be generated as we squash more serious issues. The news today is very positive: the programming team eliminated the major DirectX bug that was encountered yesterday and excellent strides are being made to put the game into a releasable state! Thank you for bearing with us; we know you’re here to play (and help us test this game!), and we’re eager to let you. We are anticipating having these issues resolved very soon.
- Dogfight Module – Multiplayer – Camera – After respawn character is stuck looking up
- Lag in feedback and update of essential game events resulting in increasingly divergent multiplayer sync
- After respawning, the player immediately blackout, couldn’t get back into gameplay
- Character shakes and twitches when freelooking left or right in any cockpit
- Free look does not work in Single Player in the Hornet
- Server put into a bad state after round end, unable to accept further player connections or recover
- Aurora – Crash after 3 deaths from border in 3rd person
- 300i does not seem to be able to lock / fire missiles in multiplayer
- Cockpit camera shakes when seated in DFM Aurora
- Dogfighting Module – Vanduul Swarm – All Maps – Animation – Missing flight animations for the pilot in the cockpit when flying the Aurora
- 300i – The player character’s hands are contorted in the cockpit view
- Walk through railing, fall out of map after interacting with helmet pedestal
- Vanduul Swarm – Display drivers can crash when Vanduul spawn or blow up
- Battle Royale (Crash) – While Flying (Shader)
- Vanduul Swarm (Crash) – Shortly after missile lock
- All Maps – Occasionally, when first spawning into the maps lasers and ballistic fire * is invisible but can be heard when firing – they eventually appear
- Crash on exit after returning from DFM match
- Character is unable to exit DFM Aurora bed if helmet is on
- Gforce animations are not playing on the pilot in any of the ships
- Character and parts of cockpit interior vanish while accelerating
Source: "click here"