Arena Commander V0.9.1 is now live! You can now update your copy of Star Citizen through the launcher client. This update being numerous improvements to Arena Commander as well as the first implementation of customizable keybindings.
- The SLI/Crossfire fix represents our efforts to provide the best Arena Commander experience we can for all users. We still need feedback and the diligence of our community to assist us in perfecting the implementation but we believe this is a step forward in that effort.
- Customizable Keybindings is a feature our backers have wanted and now we can share the first step in our vision. Backers will be able to customize their controls to feel more comfortable dogfighting and racing. We will be implementing improvements in the future but with this release we wanted to give our community the first taste of where control in Star Citizen is heading. Control customization currently allows you to remap a subset of actions oriented towards ship navigation. It supports keyboard and mouse, controller devices and joysticks/HOTAS setups. It allows for customization of discrete and continuous (axis) outputs. Going forward, we’ll be working to add device specific options (sensitivity, axis inversions, dead zones and the like), the ability to host multiple control profiles, the ability to remove bindings, setting actions as single or double-taps and binding actions to a different set of keys on the same device.
- Backers may now select what ships appear in their Hangars! You can do this through the RSI website under Account and then My Hangar.
These are just some of the bigger ways we are improving Star Citizen but by no means the complete list. For list of fixes in Arena Commander V0.9.1 please read here
Our team is constantly taking community feedback into account and we are all working hard to make YOUR game, the game we all want to play. Thank you Citizens for your continued support and dedication to the ‘Verse.
Source: "click here"