Greetings Citizens,
Today the FPS Team over at REDACTED are taking over Roberts Space Industries! They will be around to answer questions about the FPS Module, working on Star Citizen, and so you can get to know them. There are three key ways to interact with them:
- Twitter: The FPS Team will be fileding questions from the RSI Twitter page throughout the day. Make sure to get your succinct question in and make sure to follow the RSi twitter for more updates.
- Ask a Dev Thread: They will also be fielding questions on the forums through the day. This special Ask a Dev will be in General Chat today before being moved to the Ask a Dev proper forum.
- Reddit AMA: Staring at 10:00AM PST the FPS team will be participating in an AMA on Reddit for all citizens to participate in.
The FPS team is excited to finally show how
the module has progressed and we are only one week away from their big
reveal! Be ready to ask REDACTED about the game on any, or all, of the outlined platforms. Hopefully we can wrestle our website back from them tomorrow.
Source: "click here"