CIG has released both the Hull series cargoships, ranging from the Hull A (comparable to the Aurora in length) to the Hull E (comparable to the Idris Frigate in length) and a design post detailing how the cargo system and interaction works.
MISC Hull A through C
The ships have a mid-section that can fold out to secure cargo containers, and when unladen can fold in again to form a more compact ship and for landings. The entire series is currently available for those who want to pledge money for the game's development in the form of a concept sale, ranging in price from $60 to $550.
As always, these ships are not necessary to play the game and will be available to pick up in game of course.
The full information post about them can be found here:
Cargo system & interaction
The cargo design post gives quite a bit of new information detailing container dimensions, the inside stasis fields to keep the cargo in place, stacking and securing of containers and the initial development of the "grabby hands" system, for manipulating, picking up and placing down anything and everything in the game.
The full information can be found here: