Greetings Guys
As u might know, Chemo want to start an sl tourney and we invited some old Starlancer clans.
Also MoD, well look what "Op the N00b" replied to our invitation.
<i>I wont come and Im damn sure that nobody of my members will come to ya fucking tournament...
who cares about the pack.... the pack are noobs and ur one of them.
its not worth to play the 3mins until i will have won against you guys. its just a waste of time...
i know it and you know it. ohhh and chemo ur little story about GTF and what happend with dev is nice
but maybe i just know the whole story and ur a fucking traitor (you was in GTF and you will allways be one)
and that you come here to post this bullshit is worst thing ive seen since ur little show.
the guys that you wrote to your post would kill you on sight without consequences
(you dont have the right to call them friends)
Portal-Administrator (the guy that kicked yo ass about 100 times)</i>
That was all Ladys and GentelWolfs. I hope you all laught as well as i did. :-O
That he won't come to a tourney is no suprise, OP and his whole team allways hided when we challanged them.
He was to coward to fight against us as he led GTF and he also was to coward to fight as MoD.
Hey "Op the N00b" you know very well what would happenes when you would try it <img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">
The last MoD who tryed to fight against us was "MoD Executer" alias Skorpion. I kicked his ass such heavy that he started to cry like a whiny pussys that i would cheat *roleeyes* typical Mod behave.
My tip is he should rename hisself to "MoD EXECUTED" and shut up.
OP sayed he would kick us all in 3 min. PLEASE explain me OP why you lost than 100% of our games against me and the most 10 to 1. rofl <img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">
The part about the traitor is my favorit, special when we considering that OP was for a long time the GTF leader, until his own guys told him to fuck off because he is a Idiot and booted him out of his own team.<img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/boese073.gif" border="0">
So all in all "Op the N00b" reacted like we expected it from him.
One more time he prevered it to hide under his stone. (must be genetic)
The WolfPack and I say: "THANKS" for your funny reply we laught damn good.
It's allways fun to met a MoD "First they cry than they die"
WP Crying Devil
WolfPack Leader & Webmaster (The guy who killed "OP the N00b" and EVERY damn MoD much MORE than 100 times)