Greeting's Ladys and GentelWolfs
Look's like the N00b's read our news. Very well maybe they will learn something but *sigh*
I must admit the chance isn't very high, Op was never the brigthest star in the sky <img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">
Let's see what "Op the N00b" tried to tell us:
<b>How could you bet me 100% when i was able to win against you </b>
Funny, he is a little N00b compared with me i kicked his little GTF/MoD ass when ever we fought until he started with lame excuses why he can't fight now.
<a href="http://101st.info/lol.JPG ">http://101st.info/lol.JPG</a>
Please, where is there the lie "OP the N00b" ? ;-)
More isn't to say to this point.
<b>Yes he called you a cheater... and we can prove it [btw. his reaction (with that news here) was typical for a cheater] If he is no cheater then why does half of the both game communities say it and why do more and more evidences appear??? Look if you dont
cheat then a normal guy would give a fuck about what the others say.</b>
That's the price you must pay when you are "THE BEST" (in Starlancer) it's nothing new that N00B's cry cheater when you kicked ther ass. That's why nobody called OP a cheater lol he sucked. And the half of both game communities is exact 2 MoD's (the whole clan ) and a handfull N00B's. I wouldn't call that "half of both game communities"
WP has been part of the "Lancesreactor" for more then 4 years now. We have great conections to nearly every important SL/FL game communitys like "Freelancer Universum", "Baltimore Shipyard" and others.
And now my question:
Do you really think I gives a shit what a unimportant N00b clan think about me ?
You are not more than a little unimportant fool for me, OP.
We kicked the shit out of you in the past we still can do it again.<img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/bossman.gif" border="0">
Chemo told me there would be a pic which shows that i was booted in FL. That's possible everybody who plays FL since the beginning knows that the Anti cheat tools regulary kicked people for speed hack when they used a jumpgate/whole or flew in formation. The second guy in a formation is allways faster than the first one and when he was far away and came closer the tool booted him.
He also sayed he got the Pic from a WP.
Could be, many WPs like Phoneix, StealthWolf, I and other's helped "Stinger" to make the tool better and of course many people where booted from time to time as they tested.
(Stinger = Admin from the old Elite Server, who worked together with Digital Anvil on the Anti Cheat tool).
But of course a N00b clan like Op's who hided all the time on a private server don't know that.<img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">
<b>We dont hide... we kicked your members everytime and they allways ran to you and started to hide there [3rd lie of him]</b>
<a href="http://101st.info/lol2.jpg ">http://101st.info/lol2.jpg </a>
This nice Forum Copy from the old GTF Board PROVES, that he was too cowardly to Fight against the WolfPack.
So please do us and the rest of the world a favour and shut up again like you did in the zone. <img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">
<b>You killed me and every MoD over 100 times???? How could this be? Especially when u was not on the zone... maybe you remember that hellfire was the CO of WP at this time... oh and btw. you only killed some ex-WPs [4th lie of him]</b>
Oh please Op now it starts to be much more ridiculous than your normal replays. Everybody who was there saw it.
FTT remembers it, GTF remembers it, UNG remembers it.
Why do only MoDs have such a heavy blackout ? ;-) Maybe we knocked them a little bit too often on the head guys.
Hellfire and I asked him more than 1 time for a fight but he always had something "important" to do.
In the end it was a hobby from us to ask him for a fight to listen which funny excuse he would have this time.
But Ok enought of this we won't waste our time any longer with such a n00b clan.
Chemo only invited you to a fight in SL and like you did in the past you were again too cowardly to fight
<a href="http://101st.info/lol2.jpg ">http://101st.info/lol2.jpg </a>
The whole funny forum replays from our well friend "OP the N00b" you will find in the "DL Forum".
End of discussion
Chemo where ever you talk with the Idiot stop it.
ps. Everybody else feel free to join the SL tourney.