Greetings guys
We had yesterday a big fight at Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta. It started as a small battle between 2 of our guys and a few OEG Pilots in Omicron Gamma and ended as a mass fight in Theta.<img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">
Was a pleasure to fight against them, special after they started to cry and die like flies in a minute tact. Can''t remember when i laught the last time such well. Very well work Ladys and GentelWolfs.
But that was just the beginning. From now hunt them down where ever you find them until the last from this lagger cheater left the server forever.
A last short word to our "friends" from OEG
Nice try but not nice enought, we wish you more luck and SKILL for the next time. <img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/boese073.gif" border="0">
<hr> Hand_Solo alias Moby_Dick was added to the KOS list every WP or ally pilots have permission to kill him when ever you see him. I allways sayed it "The world is full of idiots" but WHY to hell they must play on K-play :O