Welcome strangers from different worlds
Our Story began in April 2000 at a dark place called ZONE in the Starlancer room.
I will take you back to the days of old during the Glory times. All began with a man called Saxxon.
He had the idea to create a Clan based on friendship, loyalty, respect and trust.
He called this Clan "WolfPack" and that was the beginning of the glory and history of us all.
Today 4 years later we stay here and look back.
We saw many people come and many people go.
Old friends left us and new friends came.
We saw new clans join and we saw them leave.
We were one of the first Starlancer clans and we are now one of the last.
It was a pleasure to play with you guys and I think, I speak for us all when
I say we had "DAMN MUCH FUN" and laughed more than 1 time very well.
I remember days where I had tears in the eyes from laughing.
People asked me why we are still there and others fall to dust.
My opinion is because of the special people and the special team spirit we have.
Our old friend and ex WP leader Scyther said one time:
As long we help and TRUST each other, the longer the Pack will survive.
And I must admit the old man was right.
As long we are "ONE TEAM", nothing and nobody can stop us.
You all have proved on more than one occasion that you are a part of this community in good and bad times.
Many people don''t like our style, many have tried to harm us with betrayal, insults and other things.
But they all FAILED.
My friends. I wish you all a nice 4th year in the Pack and much much FUN.
At least I want to say thanks
to "Abadon" who recruited me many, many years ago.
to "Whitewolf" who always made me laugh with her Crack talk. I wish you Grey and the baby much luck in your live.
to "Greywolf" who made so much for the team and got so little admiration. We won''t forget what you made old friend.
to "Viper who brought me back into the team as i was nearly gone.
to "Leviathan" who was always one of my closest friends in the old team.
to "CaptAmerica" and "Scyther" who leaded the pack for such a long, long time and showed me how to handle the team.
to "Menace" from the "Freelancer Universum" for his help and friendship.
to "Motte" from K-Play who helped to kick laggers and cheaters from OUR primary server.
to "Niamhest" the good soul of the Pack who spoke to me more than once in the conscience when I overreacted again.
I also wanted to say a special thanks to "Bargib" from "The Lancersreactor" who helped us so much with web space,
support and tips as we needed it.
We will always stay on TLR''s side, my old friend when you need something just let me know.
Crying Devil
WolfPack Leader & Webmaster
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