Greetings Ladys and GentelWolfs
What Gudrun sayed to us a few weeks ago....
OEG had stoped to use cheats and moding on puplic servers and they won''t do it again...
I started to believe her but I must admit that it was a mistake.
The pics prove very well that the ship from the OEG Leader is modificated.
People could say now that it''s only a light and Cruise mod and normal i would agree.
But... We all know that OEG supported massiv cheating in the past. Speed hacks, Gun hacks, Beam weapons, cloack and so on and so on.
So it''s more than advisable to take DAMN care. Hans ship was modificated no matter what he says.
Take care everybody, how it looks like the cheating laggers are back.
Really a shame that these losser need such bullshit.
<b><a href="http://www.101st.info/screen313.jpg">http://www.101st.info/screen313.jpg</a> </b>
<b><a href="http://www.101st.info/screen315.jpg">http://www.101st.info/screen315.jpg</a> </b>
I allways sayed it "1 time a cheater, allways a cheater"