<b>Greetings Ladys and gentelWolfs
All Wolfpack pilots and friends are invited to the first "WP" Space Racing from "New York Manhatten" to the "Unknown Order Robot Planet"
The Race will start next Weekend Sunday Evening on the "101st WolfPack Server"
The Winner will get 2 mil. Creds on Jolt or 1 mil. on PVP#1 and the First WolfPack "Racing Award"
To kill the other participants is of course not allowed ;-) to wasp them IS :-O
The members of the Raider Wing will fly in Starflyers. People from the Defeander Wing will get Falcons.
Allowed are 5 Wasp for every player.
Everybody will start with 1000 Credits. What he do than with it is his choose.</b>