Greetings all!
Yesterday night we had a race, and a pretty good one too!:-O
We all launched from Manhattan when the start-signal was given. In space it became clear that Dragonfire had used his money to buy a Patriot so he could use wasps. The first trade-lane was reached first by him, with me, Element and Hellfire in close pursuit. Then came Dragon, and Chemo turned out to have a bad start though, putting him a little bit behind.
In kusari space it became clear that Chemo had decided to use the Rheinland route, altough that one is supposed to be more dangerous.
When we arrived in Theta Element was a little bit ahead, thanks to the Corsairs in Sigma 17 who managed to stall us a little. Dragonfire fired a wasp with the intent to stop me, but unfortunately for him did the wasp hit FP9, wich meant the stations became hostile. Since this was the last station he could dock at before we would reach Planet Gammu, he had a slight problem. In the meantime Element and I were in Gamma, where I made my final mistake by selecting one of the wrecks around the jumphole instead of the jumphole itself. Element had jumped through already in the meantime. Finally Element reached the finish line first, with me finishing second. Third was Hellfire, fourth was Chemo and fifth was Dragon, who had the misfortune of getting a bit lost along the way.
It was a great race and Element got the well-deserved first place :-O Congratulations m8! 8-)
It was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to more races in the future! :-)
Good Flight everyone.