Greetings Ladys and GentelWolfs
One of our Guys was attacked today by a few Templers.
Such a behave will of course not be tollorated, special when he fly a Anubis without Equipment.
After Aest, Chemo and Element had a Eagle and the necessary Equipment we wanted to say THX for this unprovoked attack. So we started to search THEM ^-^
We found them on Freeport 9 and well... They are maybe good against a Anubis without weapons but definitely NOT against eagles. <img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">
A few min. later our friends from GTF and SASF joint the fight and than it was clear who won.
The Templer had help from a guy called "Cutter".
A good fighter and the only one i can respect from the guys who fought against us.
He never used nanos and repair like the reloader Teutates for example.
Im sure Teutates must have repair on his fire button its the only logic explanation why he use it such often.<img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/boese073.gif" border="0">
The WP Intelligence got the Info that he is EX "WP_Simonright". He Was booted in the past for insulting people and bad behave. When he make trouble..... you know what we do with traitors.
Until now we have no Open War with them.
I want to speak first with their High Command but when they fire, you have permision to eleminate them.
<center><img src="http://www.lancersreactor.com/images/news/WIP2.jpg" border="0">
Have fun guys <img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">