Good evening Guys
Yesterday 0800h we recived a emergency request from the Freeport 9 Station in Omicron Theta.
They detected a huge Terrorist Fleet which came fast closer.
The WolfPack high command decided to send a defend Fleet to Freeport 9.
We arrived at Freeport 9 at 0815h.
The enemy forces were stonger than expected they had 2 times more Pilots than we so we decided to inform FS and OEG about the situation.
Our well friends arrived a few minutes later and a heavy fight started.
In the next 3 hours the "United Forces" protected Freeport 9 again and again against the attacks from the Terrorists.
It was a up and down many Pilots died on both sides but at the end the "United Forces" got the controll over the fight.
The last surviving Terrorists escaped with a unknown cruise technologie.
We tryed to follow them but the most ships where heavy damaged so we decided to stay and made a few repairs.
Freeport 9 was rescued but we payed a high price, this fight was expensive for both sides.
1 hour later the long range scanners from a merchant ship which operated in Omega 5 detected a few unknown objects with course Cambridge.
A WP/FS Intercept wing was sent to the coords but they only found a lonly wrack.
A deep scann proved what we allready thought, it was the merchant ship which contacted us.
We found no survivors may the rest in peace.
Our Intelligence thinks the merchant ship detected the rests from the Terrorists Invasion fleet and payed the price for it.
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