A cold night in the Ice fields
“Solider have we locked down this hill!!!!” Barked Commander Jak.
“Yes Sir Rebelkun and Chemo Have sniper points and are waiting to kill! Sir”
“Right heads down and ears open Marines its going to be a long night!”
The group of Spartan 2 soldiers sit down and in the snow holes they dug out for the night.
“Commander aint you sleeping” Said Maniac
“NO! I can hear them moving and im dammed if they are getting this hill from us in the dark” As Jak locks and loads his M6D pistol”
“ 2 hour shifts for everybody, or they will creep up your ass before you know it.”
Silence covered the whole valley with only the wind to let you know you’re not dead.
“Dose the commander ever sleep” Whispered Lokie.
“Nah never seen him sleep, his a machine with one purpose. To win”
“Chemo get your god dam ass awake!!”
Chemo rolls over looking at Jak
“ I I I wasn’t asleep sir but, but”
“But what just resting your eyes!!!? Bin Get here and relive this man”
“ Yes Sir”
Bin runs over picks up the S2 Am Sniper rifle. A huge green light illuminates the sky.
Every marine takes cover as the huge explosion destroys the tank.
“Marines take up points nothing gets in this hill! You get on the coms and get us some air support!!” Jak points the marine hiding under the nearest rock
“Return Fire and conserve ammo don’t shoot if you aint gonna!” Jak turns and shoots the enemy scout in the head. The Marines look at him, turn and open fire.
“Bin, Chem Man that hog and make sure you kill, anything that moves!”
“Yes Sir” Bin jumps behind the wheel and chemo climbs in that back. The engine roars as bin back over a group of advancing soldiers.
“Yeee Haaa!” As the hog bumps over the dead bodies
“Solider where’s my air support!!”
“It’s coming “ As the screech of the banshees over powers the gun fire “There”
As the banshees drop Fuel rods on to the enemy tanks.
“Banshees empty Commander Returning to Base”
“Tanks Boys but keep them coming. Good work son, now get out of the rock and fight before I shoot you.” Jak Points the pistol at his head “NOW MOVE!!” the soldier picks up his rifle and runs to the front line BANG he catches a bullet right in the eye. Everyone stops and looks at the body lying on the floor.
“ Keep firing or we will all end up like that!” Shouts Jak as the noise of the gun fire gets louder”
BUZZ BUZZ “com….n Si.. co..e in” comes through the radio
“Send message!!”
“Sir a grenade hit the hog we are pinned down” chemo said in a quite voice
“Hold it their son I ill come for you 2!”
“But sir they have BANG” the come went dead
“Rebel, Maniac you hold this hill im going for the boys”
“But sir Wait and we will all go!” said Rebel
“No you all stay here and hold this point back up will be here at dawn” Jak picks up his shotgun and extra grenades “ If dawn comes and we aint back evac without us.!”
“Sir” Maniac said with disappointment in his voice. Jak disappears into the cloud of snow.
“Will he be back sir” asked a private
“Yeah he will, he’s near impossible to kill but we aren’t so keep firing!!” Shouted Rebel.
To Be continued……