Good morning Ladys and GentelWolfs
As you maybe saw we had yesterday a heavy fight with strong Terror forces in Gamma. 23:43h the WolfPack headquarter recived a distress call from the OEG freighter maXis.
He fought with 4 Terrors a few SASF and 2 free Pirates near Crete.
The headquarter decided to sent a Intercept wing to Crete to help our Ally.
23:48 we arrived at the battlefield together with reinforcements from OEG and FS.
We thought after the battle a few weeks ago the "Terror Forces" would be destroyed but that was a mistake.
After a long, long fight the "United Forces" managed to get the upper hand.
We destroyed the most of them before the rest decided to escape.
<b>The battle was WON.</b>
But we paid a high price. Many "United Forces" ships were destroyed and only a handful returned to their homebases on Crete and Leon.
One of them was "Flight Captain Chemo".
His ship was heavy damaged but he made it back to the FS station Tripolie.
For his exemplary behavior in the battle the WolfPack headquarter decided to bestow him the
<center>"101st Supreme Accolade Medal"</center>
<center><img src="/media/awards/101st_Supreme_Accolade_Medal.jpg" border="0"> </center> Gratulation Flight Captain.
But it would be unfair to forget all the other brave Pilots who fought in the battle.
Element, Damon, Stealth, de Teni, MC2, Gudrun, maXis, Karpen, Katalog and all the other pilots I forgot here.
Good work everybody