My fellow Wolves
I deeply regret to inform you, that from last night on, the 101st WolfPack is at WAR against the [GER] Clan on gemini!
All diplomatic ways have failed.....unless they wanted to negotiate their terms when they opened fire all of a sudden...
In my duties as your communications officer (Diplomate) I hereby declare WAR on the [GER]
Every Wolf is allowed to attack any memeber of the [GER] whenever, wherever he encounters one.
According to our intelligence agency, they´re a small and outnumbered group who didn´t know what they have unleashed ^^ so be extra carefull for you never know what to expect from "easy" targets
One last addition:
"Xinix" on gemini has from now on the status K.O.S
He faked a distress call and lured Damon and me into a devastating trap...
So far from the foreign ministry ;) You got your mission, you´ll seek out your targets and we ALL let them BLEED!!!
Our allies OEG and FS were informed about the situation they will interfere when necessary.