It was a big Tourney with 6 teams all battling head to head 1 vs 1 at a time. The team for WP was as follows:
Colonel. Shadow
Captain. Dragonfire
Chief Warrent Officer. Lost Phoenix
We managed to fight a lot of battles along wih 2 against our OEG allies, with whom we won and lost one. Our closest fight was with a Freelance group of no clan tags, in which it ended with Shadow taking down 2 and Dragonfire taking down 2, the fight was close but both Dragonfire and Shadow survived it with Dragonfire with literally no hull left.
The rules of the tourney were that the winning team would receive 250k to each member everytime they won a battle. Our team managed to get 4 million. And The OEG closely following with 3 million. Again a good day for WP and its allies and a special thanks to that little GTF who helped us win ;-) One little slip but everything else was ok ^^
A good fight guys and hopefully the next tourney we will win also :-O Oh and er...Thanks to the Admins for all the cash they give to us for winning ;-)