<b>Hello my friends</b>
Maybe you saw it we had a little visitor last night who tried to hack our page.
Forum files are totally restored only the template is still not online but I change that later, won't be a problem.
They tried to hit us my friends... but they MISSED !!!
We are still here and a lot more motivated than before.
We will go our way like we always did no matter what other people think.
Until now everybody who tried to stop us FAILED and that won’t change.
And to our little hacker friend:
Was a nice try dude but not nice enough.
Mess with the best, die like the rest <img src="http://101st.info/forums/wp3/images/smilies/cooldevil.gif" border="0">
<center><b>The Wolves are here to stay! stronger then ever before.</b> </center>