Dear Ladies and Gentlewolves
Last saturday, the 101st engaged in a clan-war vs the Lun/\\r clan
Unlike many other wars we had fought throughout the years, the atmosphere on this saturday night was anything but hostile
the lunar clan could only manage to provide 4 ppl able to fight vs us so that we split up and formed a strike force which rotated member by member so that everyone who could make it to leipzig would be able to fight at least once
the rules of engagement were clearly stated as the following:
the lunar clan would start from tripoli and the wolves from crete
the fight was supposed to consist out of 20 rounds and the first team who won 11 also won the tournament but this slightly changed so that we agreed on 15 rounds in total
each team consisted of 4 members of each faction and the last team member who survived the attack won the round for his clan
as always, no reloading was allowed during the fighting
the first team to engage the lunar was made up by Dragonfire, LostPhoenix, Erattiaan and myself, yes u heard right, i also engaged the enemy...although with questionabel success rofl
ANYWAY ;) to shorten this up a bit, after a sometimes intense and fierce fight with great cunning and bravery on BOTH sides, the pack could prevail in a 12-3 victory
now because of my extraordinary abilities....i had enough time to watch the fight instead of actually doing anything lol and once again i have to say, that i´m just 100% proud to be a member of this great team :)
we can be idle for months or just messing around on servers ;) but when the action starts again, everybody knows what to do and behaves just PERFECTLY
the following screeny (which you WILL see after aesth has uploaded it lol) gives an overview of the intense party what was going on :)
keep up the spirit wolves, until we howl again ^^