Slowly i start to ask me if it is a neo standard tactic to cry "CHEATER" after we kicked their ASS.
First NEO_Cleaver called me "EVIL NAZI CHEATER" *roleeyes* after i kicked him,
than they tryed to bann [WP]Phoenix after he kicked them too with a idiotic faked pic.
And today NEO_Hairy called me cheater TZ TZ TZ
*shakehead* pathetic behave only because he lost.
I lost more than 1 game against Tas, Sput or MD =)but i never called 1 of them cheater.
Stinger we spoke EXACT about that and i have prophecy it you...
A shame that i was right m8...
<hr>The pic show very nice that NEO give a shit at the 30min camp rule and ignore it completely. Ok wasn't that bad we kicked him easyly :-O