Greetings Citizens,
We have released a new version of Arena Commander! Version is now available via the Launcher. The big focus of this week’s patch is the release of the Origin 315p, the last of the 300-series variants promised for Arena Commander. This patch also updates ship balance, ESP and makes several fixes. You can find a complete list in the Patch Notes. Finally, it adds the Liquor Cabinet item for development subscribers.
With the entire 300 series now playable, we have updated the default loadout for all ships to match their intended roles and the specifications listed on the website. If you’re a 300i, 315p, 325a or 350r pilot please get out there and try the newly balanced lineup! The team is eager for feedback about all four of the ships, which you can post to the Arena Commander forum.
As you know, we use a number of methods to continue improving Arena Commander. From our internal QA teams to Twitch stream observations to the forum for collecting player feedback, we are always looking for ways to make your space combat experience better. Another tool in our arsenal is statistics collected from the game. We measure everything from CPU type to control preference to Comstab usage… and with this patch, we thought it would be fun to share some of that data with our backers!
You can see graphs for the most recent patch period in this post. A big aspect of this collection process is monitoring how accurate the different control methods are, so we can try and find the “sweet spot” where Star Citizen works well for everyone. Please note that the accuracy and kill/death ratio data reflects only single player; a bug resolved in today’s patch was preventing us from collecting multiplayer numbers. Also note that ‘session numbers’ refers to the number of Arena Commander and not the total Hangar logins.