We are pleased to announce that Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.6 is now live! 1.1.6 includes the brand new Star Citizen launcher, a number of bug fixes and balance changes. You can find the complete patch notes here.
Alpha 1.1.6 introduces matchmaking logic that will now match players
against each other based on past performance, as well as made several
changes to rules of Vanduul Swarm, Battle Royale, and Squadron Battle.
Also, we are deprecating the old Launcher v1.6.3 with the new Launcher v2.3.4 today, which drastically improves download speeds, using up to 100% of your available bandwidth. It also currently uses non-P2P torrent technology to only replace the files you need. This Launcher is also built 100% in-house (as opposed to the old one that used third party technology) so we’re excited to continue to improve the user experience and integrate more user-friendly features at the click of a button.
- You’ll first want to uninstall the old version of the game as the old Launcher will no longer allow you to log in.
- Next, install the new version from https://robertsspaceindustries.com/download .
For further instructions and known issues with Launcher v2.3.4, please click here.